Lack of time is the number one reason why most of us don’t exercise enough. Reduced Exertion HIIT (REHIT) was developed by scientists in search of the shortest, most effective method to exercise to overcome this barrier.
REHIT creates the most potent training stimulus with just 2×20-second sprints. It’s scientifically proven to deliver superior health and fitness benefits compared to normal exercise—requiring only 15 minutes instead of 2.5 hours per week, recommended in government guidelines.
With just 3×5-minute workouts per week, REHIT on CAROL has been shown to improve your cardiorespiratory fitness (VO2max) by 12% and reduce your risk of developing metabolic diseases by 62% in only 8 weeks.
Reclaim your health and fitness, transform your body, and turn the clock back on aging with CAROL Bike—making every moment mean more.
Spend less time on cardio—and more time on the things you love. Discover how CAROL gives you back your time to thrive.