What is BDNF?
Research shows that higher plasma BDNF levels are associated with better cognitive performance, attention, and spatial memory, whereas low plasma BDNF levels are found in patients with conditions such as dementia, mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, and major depression.
The benefits of exercise for BDNF
The benefits of HIIT for BDNF levels have been reviewed in a meta-analysis of 15 studies, which demonstrated moderate acute and large chronic effects for the increase in plasma BDNF levels through HIIT in healthy young individuals.
Exercise stimulates the production of BDNF in our bodies, a molecule that plays a crucial role in keeping your brain healthy and young.
Greater increases in BDNF levels were reported at higher exercise intensities, according to a study.
5 minutes to a better brain with CAROL
Want to improve your brain function but short on time? CAROL Bike offers the shortest and most effective form of high-intensity exercise, Reduced Exertion HIIT (REHIT), making it an ideal choice for those who want to keep their body and brain young and fit. All it takes is 5 minutes, 3x a week for the shortest, most effective workout.
In summary, BDNF is a vital molecule for brain function and cognitive performance, and exercise is a powerful tool for boosting BDNF levels. HIIT, particularly with shorter durations, is more effective than moderate-intensity exercise, and CAROL Bike offers the most efficient way to achieve these benefits.