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Make every moment count with mindful breathing

By utilizing mindful breathing, even the warm-up, recovery, and cooldown periods of your workout can be optimized.

CAROL Bike has been designed to make every second count. Just 2×20-second sprints create the most potent training stimulus to give you double the health and fitness benefits in 10% of the time compared to regular exercise.


But even warm-up, recovery, and cooldown periods are no idle time. CAROL Bike encourages riders to practice mindful breathwork during these periods to make the most of the workout.


New research by Andrew Huberman and his team has shown that controlled exhale-focused breathing improves mood and reduces anxiety more than mindfulness meditation. The CAROL Bike’s breath pacer, with a 4-second inhale and a 6-second exhale, guides you in this beneficial practice.

CAROL Bike encourages riders to practice mindful breathwork during their ride, shown to improve mood and reduces anxiety.

While the breathwork may seem challenging at first, especially after the sprints, the CAROL Bike’s latest breath pacer adapts the speed and rhythm to your heart rate, making it easier to follow.

To get the most out of the breathwork, Huberman’s research suggests following a “cyclical sighing” routine. Inhale to comfortably fill your lungs, and then take a second, deeper sip of air to fully inflate the air sacks (alveoli) in your lungs, and then exhale slowly until all the air has gone.

Exhalation activates the parasympathetic nervous system and helps you slow down your heart rate, regaining calmness after the explosive REHIT sprints.

Credits and thanks to:

M Balban, et al.

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Demo: How to do REHIT on CAROL Bike

Explore a hands-on guide to doing REHIT on CAROL Bike, showcasing its efficient, effective workouts tailored for every fitness level.

What is a REHIT workout?

Explore REHIT, the game-changing workout that redefines time-efficient training with just 2x20-second sprints.

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