We believe that adherence matters most. More than workout performance or effectiveness. After all, the best workout in the world won’t help if you don’t do it.
Habit Score: your personal workout adherence gauge
Consistency in workouts isn’t just about effort, it’s also about repetition and dedication. That’s where our Habit Score comes in. We’ve devised this to help you monitor how consistently you’re sticking to your workout routine.
On a scale from 0—100, the Habit Score reflects how well you’ve been adhering to your routine week on week. The goal? To encourage regular uptake. Aiming for a consistent habit of at least 3 rides per week can net you the highest score.
Now, you can easily check your Habit Score on your CAROL Bike dashboard, letting you track, adapt, and thrive in your fitness journey.
Why less can mean more in training
We believe that adherence matters most. More than workout performance or effectiveness. After all, the best workout in the world won’t help if you don’t do it.
Research has shown that shorter and fewer sprints during Sprint Interval Training leads to a more positive emotional response from riders, leaving them feeling more confident to continue with their workouts.
Other research has shown that just 2x20s sprints are sufficient to elicit the most potent training stimulus, while 4, 5, 6, or more sprints appear to deliver less benefits.
While it is not fully understood why, one possible explanation is that riders may pace themselves when faced with multiple or longer sprints, holding back during each sprint rather than going “all out” – but that’s exactly what makes REHIT so effective.
The REHIT Intense ride with 2×20-second sprints is in a sweet spot that delivers optimal results and feels doable for most – helping to create a sustainable habit.
If 2×20-seconds feel too hard for you, try the 2×15 or 2×10-second REHIT workouts. They are substantially easier yet deliver still worthwhile results. The 2x10s REHIT workout has been shown in research to still deliver around 40% of the fitness benefit of the 2×20-second ride.