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Co-Founder Q&A: Good habits start here

From how to maintain your cardio on vacation, to the best way to build a fitness habit, CAROL’s CEO and co-founder, Ulrich Dempfle, answers habit-based questions from our social community.
Ulrich Dempfle co-founded CAROL to help riders form a simple, effective fitness habit that fits seamlessly into their day. Here he shares his top tips for setting lasting fitness habits.

Q: I need to exercise more. What would you recommend to do to build a fitness habit?

Ease of adherence is key for setting a lasting fitness habit, so Ulrich recommends finding what works best for you. Which could mean doing 15-second sprints instead of 20-second sprints on your CAROL Bike, or training in the morning rather than evening. Once you have your perfect regimen, you can get to a point where you don’t even have to think about it, and adherence will become second nature.

Q: What advice would you give to maintain your cardio when you are on vacation?

By focusing on short, impactful workouts, like HIIT, you are more likely to maintain your cardio while on vacation. Ulrich’s go-to is going for a jog, and interspersing it with short hard bursts.

If you have the time, Ulrich recommends getting outside and making the most of your environment. Go for a walk. Play tennis with a friend. Rethink how you define ‘a workout’, have fun with it—and don’t be too hard on yourself.

Ulrich Dempfle

CAROL CEO & Co-Founder

Ulrich co-founded CAROL and partnered with the world’s leading exercise researchers to take REHIT out of the lab. 40 prototypes later, the world’s only REHIT exercise bike was launched.

Ulrich Dempfle

CAROL CEO & Co-Founder

Ulrich co-founded CAROL and partnered with the world’s leading exercise researchers to take REHIT out of the lab. 40 prototypes later, the world’s only REHIT exercise bike was launched.

A Simple Habit

New riders hit an average of 3.2 rides a week, in their first 100 days.

15 Minutes a Week

CAROL Bike’s science-backed workouts. The short, smart, simple fit for your life.

AI-Personalized Ride

CAROL Bike’s AI algorithm calibrates every moment on the bike to you.

Your Progress

CAROL Bike’s Fitness Score lets you track how your fitness is improving.

Your Favorite Apps

Seamlessly connect to apps like Zwift, Kinomap, Peloton Digital and more.

Endless Entertainment

CAROL Bike integrates with entertainment apps like Netflix, Disney+, YouTube and more.

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